воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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What is it about Sarah Dessenapos;s books that make me unable to put them down? Maybe its that so many people can relate to all of the characters.�Or it could be that in someway, each book is connected.�Dessen obviously knows how to relate to teenagers because in each book there are different problems that teens are faced with every single day.�Her words really help one cope with their problems and help them see that there will always be a tomorrow.

Quoting from�Sarah Dessens Bio she states:�"...When I found an author who seemed to say just what I was feeling, it really struck me and resonated. I hope that my books do that for the people who read them: I think itapos;s the best thing to which any writer can aspire. Iapos;ve also been lucky enough to teach writing and see my students find their own voice."

After writing Dessen an email explaining to her all that her books have taught me, I wasnt expecting to get anything back, but after 2 weeks an email appeared. I read it over and over again shocked that she actually hate wrote me back. She is such an amazing person with a truly wonderful gift. If your ever looking for something to read, stop by and pick up one of her books.

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GRONINGEN - FC Groningen trainer Ron Jans heeft Gonzalo Garcia buiten de selectie voor de wedstrijd tegen Ajax gelaten, omdat hij ontevreden is het over functioneren van de aanvaller.

Jans is niet tevreden over de inzet en drive van Garcia tijdens de trainingen en wedstrijden van de laatste weken. Afgelopen vrijdag hebben Jans en Garcia hierover een gesprek gehad en de trainer van FC Groningen heeft daarbij aangegeven dat de Uruguayaan maar eens goed na moet denken over wat hij verder wil bij FC Groningen.

Het is de tweede keer dat de techische staf ontevreden is over Garcia. In de voorbereiding op het nieuwe seizoen is het functioneren van Garcia ook al aan de orde geweest.

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Still not in school. Wonapos;t be going back for another year at least...wonapos;t be going back to OSU.

Iapos;m currently working on my apprenticeship license with a local funeral home. Iapos;m supposedly training to be an undertaker, but really I just do bitch work. Iapos;m more interested in embalming. Funeral directing, not so much.

I participated in an art show back in august. Everyoneapos;s work was received well, including mine. The turn out wasnapos;t anything to brag about, but it was a friday night, and we were on the same street as a bunch of bars. People have priorities. An art show is not one of them.

there is another art show coming up in the next week or so...i donapos;t have any new work finished. Started, but not finished. I want to show, but i donapos;t know if i can stop being lazy long enough to work on anything. Funeral home-ing does take the energy right out of me.

A gentleman friend recently moved in with me, and has been a huge help. He does the dishes while iapos;m at work, keeps the apartment tidy. I should let him pare down my art supply collection...i donapos;t have the guts to throw any of it out...and we desperately need the room. More stuff means more cleaning.

I also appeared naked in the collegiate newspaper. Nothing frontal, but still. Iapos;m more proud of it than i should be.

maybe something interesting will happen.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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What is with people who�like shit like ceramic dolphins and mystic wolf t-shirts? I find that shit so fucking tacky.

Take for example going down to a sunday market like Carribean Gardens - on every other table and wall there will be without fail some kind of shirt or ceramic ornament depicting one of the following - a dragon sitting on a pile of gold, a wizard with staff and crystal ball, a dolphin springing out of the water or a wolf skulking through the snow. Or those t-shirst with the smoky image of the native american Indian and a dream catcher. Urgh... Gross

Give me an honest band t-shirt any day. Thats all I wear. Band shirts.

Hah I was playing at the Espy last friday night with WINTERUN and some guy in the crowd spotted my Cannibal Corpse t-shirt and was screaming "CANNIBAL�CORPSE" after every song. Kind of annoying but at the very end of our set he came up to the front of the stage and goes, "pfft do you even like Cannibal Corpse?". To which I looked at him in all my 6ft, skin headed, bearded, metal-guy glory and said accusingly - "of course I fucking like Cannibal Corpse, why the fuck would I�wear the shirt other wise?"� He believed me.

Segue -

Spent last night re-programming effects of my�effects pedal. Iapos;ve had the exact same fucking distorion sound for 3 years and Iapos;ve never bothered to alter it. It sounded like shit, too bassy not enough zing so I fucked with it for ages and got it almost cool again. Not that anyone gives a shit anyway.

I made a silent vow to practise more often too. I play bass at least twice a week but not long ago I used to spend every spare minute with a guitar or bass or banjo in my hand. Now when I get home frfom work i just crash onto the couch and then 3 hours later, crash into bed.... Sucks.

Fuckin monotony of wake up, go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep, repeat. I hate it so much man. I wish i could just play in the band full time and tell the world to go and get itself fucked.

Might write some lyrics on the weekend actually.�I feel tumultuos enough to do some creative outpouring. Might even spray paint some walls if I can be fucked....

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Okay, so the thesis (on the paper that is due tomorrow - one of these days I will break this foul habit of doing everything at the very last minute) is coming together properly, thank CHRIST. I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to write about, but I kept doing three pages and then stalling out, realising it was all far too vague, and having to go back and start over (I cannot scrap fiction, but essays, apparently, I can destroy with formidable ruthlessness).

I think Iapos;m calling it: In Denmark, They Speak Crazy: The Articulation of Madness in Shakespeareapos;s Hamlet.

I mean, not literally. But more or less.

Now if the MLA database would stop BLOODY CRASHING and let me find a fifth article (Iapos;m using mostly primary quotations but she insisted we have secondary sources), I could get past page three. *glares*
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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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Whatapos;s wrong with me? Usually Iapos;m a really laid back person who is slow to offend and nothing really gets to me... Other than the stress of my personal life of not being able to break free from it.

For the past two days, however, Iapos;ve been really moody in an explosive way. Any little thing sets me off. Iapos;m bound to snap at people and storm away, not caring if people are staring at me or not. Everything around me makes me want to scream and cry, wanting nothing more than to pound the hell out of a punching bag until I feel better.

Iapos;ve lost it. Iapos;m going insane.

Once again, I find myself questioning Godapos;s motives, even insulting him out of anger which is something that isnapos;t good on my part. But I canapos;t help it. I feel out of control. Very out of control, and falling apart fast. I should pull myself together, but I just canapos;t anymore. Believe me, I tried.

Is God really in control of my confining and controlling situation? When will he make a way? Is he going to wait until I do something dangerous to myself out of complete insanity? Iapos;m getting scared.
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суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

brian souter

Farewell Assembly created so little impact among the J2s because it was a half-hearted attempt at farewell when the time isnapos;t even ripe. Everyone knows that the As are still due, and before it is over few would feel that RJ life has really passed. So the perplexing question is, why even try to bid farewell?

I think that the school probably thinks it meaningful to gather all of us J2s together properly to send us off at some point in time, just like how we were inducted together to RJ life during Orientation last year. And I agree with them. This said, it probably doesnapos;t work to hold it on 24 November when the A Levels end for everyone (as facebook informs me), because we would think it a chore to return to school after the end of the A Levels, when we no longer feel bound by the school with the end of our last paper. So, ironically, the only time to hold our farewell assembly, which is before the A Levels when we still feel bound by the school somewhat, would inherently not be the time for farewell, because the A Levels, our real final obstacle, arenapos;t over.

Instead of bowing down to impracticality and inappropriateness of holding a batch-wide, school-based farewell event at point any time, the school has apparently decided to stick to its practice of holding an awkwardly timed farewell assembly a few weeks before the As. What they donapos;t seem to acknowledge is the inherent time-sensitive nature of farewells, such that inappropriately timed ones, somewhat like wrongly timed birthday celebrations, are wholly meaningless.

Its failure to serve as proper farewell aside, many aspects of the farewell assembly were rather notable. For one, the effort by the higher-ups to document our school life in the video was commendable, although we donapos;t expect people who arenapos;t even RJ students to know what school life as a student is like, let alone capture it properly in any medium. For instance, one wonders how they managed to find out how Kenneth (the 7-11 guy) was a personality among the student body.


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