пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bravisimo orlando

What is with people who�like shit like ceramic dolphins and mystic wolf t-shirts? I find that shit so fucking tacky.

Take for example going down to a sunday market like Carribean Gardens - on every other table and wall there will be without fail some kind of shirt or ceramic ornament depicting one of the following - a dragon sitting on a pile of gold, a wizard with staff and crystal ball, a dolphin springing out of the water or a wolf skulking through the snow. Or those t-shirst with the smoky image of the native american Indian and a dream catcher. Urgh... Gross

Give me an honest band t-shirt any day. Thats all I wear. Band shirts.

Hah I was playing at the Espy last friday night with WINTERUN and some guy in the crowd spotted my Cannibal Corpse t-shirt and was screaming "CANNIBAL�CORPSE" after every song. Kind of annoying but at the very end of our set he came up to the front of the stage and goes, "pfft do you even like Cannibal Corpse?". To which I looked at him in all my 6ft, skin headed, bearded, metal-guy glory and said accusingly - "of course I fucking like Cannibal Corpse, why the fuck would I�wear the shirt other wise?"� He believed me.

Segue -

Spent last night re-programming effects of my�effects pedal. Iapos;ve had the exact same fucking distorion sound for 3 years and Iapos;ve never bothered to alter it. It sounded like shit, too bassy not enough zing so I fucked with it for ages and got it almost cool again. Not that anyone gives a shit anyway.

I made a silent vow to practise more often too. I play bass at least twice a week but not long ago I used to spend every spare minute with a guitar or bass or banjo in my hand. Now when I get home frfom work i just crash onto the couch and then 3 hours later, crash into bed.... Sucks.

Fuckin monotony of wake up, go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep, repeat. I hate it so much man. I wish i could just play in the band full time and tell the world to go and get itself fucked.

Might write some lyrics on the weekend actually.�I feel tumultuos enough to do some creative outpouring. Might even spray paint some walls if I can be fucked....

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