воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Still not in school. Wonapos;t be going back for another year at least...wonapos;t be going back to OSU.

Iapos;m currently working on my apprenticeship license with a local funeral home. Iapos;m supposedly training to be an undertaker, but really I just do bitch work. Iapos;m more interested in embalming. Funeral directing, not so much.

I participated in an art show back in august. Everyoneapos;s work was received well, including mine. The turn out wasnapos;t anything to brag about, but it was a friday night, and we were on the same street as a bunch of bars. People have priorities. An art show is not one of them.

there is another art show coming up in the next week or so...i donapos;t have any new work finished. Started, but not finished. I want to show, but i donapos;t know if i can stop being lazy long enough to work on anything. Funeral home-ing does take the energy right out of me.

A gentleman friend recently moved in with me, and has been a huge help. He does the dishes while iapos;m at work, keeps the apartment tidy. I should let him pare down my art supply collection...i donapos;t have the guts to throw any of it out...and we desperately need the room. More stuff means more cleaning.

I also appeared naked in the collegiate newspaper. Nothing frontal, but still. Iapos;m more proud of it than i should be.

maybe something interesting will happen.

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